Friday was, as you probably guessed, low key and spent at home. I did go to The Downtown Casual Pint after a huge lunch of Mexican comfort food for one (yes, I only had one plus a small sample all day). I had the day off work but was recovering from the overindulgance of Thursday. The rest of the evening was lounging in comfy clothes and watching tv sitting on the couch with the dog. Very nice.
I had the Boulder Beer Co. Freshtracks Wet-Hopped Singletrack Copper Ale. Nice malty beer with a citrus nose and a hint of pineapple flavor. I liked it.
My sample was the Highland Cold Mountain Winter Ale. I had gotten this beer mixed up with another Highland that I didn’t like but was very happy I had this sample. I really like this one. A nice amount of spice does make it a great beer for the cooler weather.
My friend Craig thought it was hilarious to put his Lagunitas glass over me. He said it means the dino has been cut off! Where the hell was he Saturday night when I needed to be cut off?
I went with my friends Johnathan and Katie to The Downtown Casual Pint to watch the UT vs Vandetbilt game! This beer was the first of too many! I wish I could blame it on drowning my sorrows over the game but I really didn’t even watch the game. I just talked and laughed a lot.
This is another beer I had. No idea what it is. Apparently I was trying to have one of everything. That is Kara in the background. Looks like she is in my beer. I thought that was SO funny.
Ok, it is obvious from this picture that I should have gone home at this point. But hell no, I went to Suttree’s for just one more. I think it was the beer talking!
Pretty clear that “just one more” was not a great idea. In my defense it was a New Belgium Imperial Coffee Chocolate Stout. An awesome beer and my current favorite in spite of almost drowning it. The 10% ABV certainly didn’t sober me up. Apparently you are only supposed to drink coffee not coffee beer for sobering up. All one can do at this point is go home and climb in bed. It was a great evening with good friends and good (albeit a little too much) beer!
“I don’t have a drinking problem, except when I can’t find a drink.”
— Tom Waits